Sunday, October 4, 2009

Catch Upa

I have been so bad at keeping my blog updated. There are so many things that we have done but so little time to get the word out. I feel like all I do is GO GO GO and never have time for myself. I go to work all day 3 days a week, then run errands, take care and hang out with Brooklyn, visit with friends, and go out of town on my days off. Hopefully now that the weather has changed I can get back into the norm of life and learn to take it easy and stay home. I finally got around to cleaning the rest of my house today. There are so many things I really really want to do but wonder where I will find the energy to do them all. I don't know how women do all that they do or where they find the energy to do them. I want to make a quilt for Brooklyn, put some crafts together, make some flower arrangements, spruce up my home a little bit, and most of all be a better mom for Brooklyn.
The next few posts will be about what has been goin on with us in our awesome lives. Feel free to skip or read which ever you want. LoveA Peps!


Kas said...

You did some pretty major catch up! Your page came up and I was like WHOA! Tons of posts! :) Fun to see the pictures of all the places I've heard about over the past month :)